Thursday, September 30, 2010

Instax Mini - Fuji Fun

From: B.

Arie the Wondering Pup.

B. - TamBam - Shelby


I have this new love for the Instax Mini 7.

Those were some of the more recent shots I've had the pleasure of taking with this wonderful new toy. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THOSE DAYS EVEN MORE INCREDIBLE.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Unconditional Lover.

(a.k.a. Barnzy, Barnz, Stink, StinkyFace, LoveBug, Psycho)
I love your tub of guts so much.
You are my main squeeze.
My best friend.
You sing me songs when I'm lonely,
and protect me a night when I'm scared.
I forgive you for chewing up my shoes,
Mom&Dad's wedding album,
the pool table legs,
my countless pairs of undergarments,
and all those mystery novels.
I'm sorry for spanking you when you peed in my room,
And giving you your dreaded bath.
I'm sorry for that devil of a gardener.
You know, the one that hit you in the head with a shovel.
(Mom and Dad got rid of him really quick.)
I vow to walk you more often,
And gift you more treats.
I wouldn't trade you for anything.
You are wonderful my faithful friend.
Again, I love you alway and forever.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


(Gopherus Agassizii)
(Geochelone Sulcata)
Location: my backyard
Our home is a designated rescue for these prehistoric creatures.